Episode 18 - When Play Meets Pain: A Surprising Lesson on Love

When Play Meets Pain:
A Surprising Lesson on Love

'Stories and Other Things Holy' Episode 18:

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Create Life and Absorb Pain

Once again this week, we find ourselves drawn into the mystery of meaning—how pain, loss, and suffering might not just be endured but, somehow, trusted. By grace (rather than luck), we return to the same protagonist who last invited us into this wrestling match: my very own Ian Nelson-Johnson.

The wisdom Ian embodies in this week’s story is born of a raucous, treacherous, full-contact adventure in play.

At its core, this story explores the deep and powerful relationship between the act of creating new life—of bringing something new into the world—and the inevitable cost of caring for what you have helped create.

A new relationship . . .
A new job . . .
An artistic creation . . .
An idea . . .
A project . . .
A dream . . .
A commitment to resistance . . .
A baby—who becomes a toddler . . . a child . . . an adolescent!

I often invite those I have the privilege of gathering with to say—that is, to proclaim—Amen. And before they respond, I remind them: Amen is not a word of relief.

It does not mean:
"Great, we’re getting out early. Short homily. One collection. Easy exit from the parking lot—saweet!"

Amen is a word of assent. It means yes. It means, I will be an ambassador of what has transpired here. And most of all, it means: this yes will cost me something.

If our Amen comes without cost—don’t bother. Cheap Amen.

When we participate in the creation of some iteration of new life, we are asked to say Amen. And no matter the form of that new life, this Amen will be costly. Terribly and beautifully so, as the poet Yeats might remind us.

"It was a good game. It was a really good game—one more time, please, Dad."


- Terry Nelson-Johnson


1. The Cost of My Yes

Spend a few moments in quiet reflection. Think of something in your life that you have said yes to—something you have helped create, nurture, or bring into being. Maybe it’s a relationship, a project, a calling, a family, a dream.

Ask yourself:

  • What has this “yes” cost me?
  • How has this “yes” transformed me?
  • Would I say yes again, knowing what I know now? In prayer, offer your Amen to God—not as a word of relief, but as a word of commitment.

“God, give me the courage to say yes to what is mine to love and tend, even when it costs me something.”

2. One More Time, Please

Think about a time when joy and pain were intertwined—when love meant both delight and sacrifice. Maybe it was staying up all night with a sick child, showing up for a friend when it was inconvenient, or investing in something that stretched you beyond your limits.

Imagine yourself in that moment again. Picture Jesus sitting beside you, witnessing your exhaustion, your love, your sacrifice.

What does He say to you? How does He invite you to see this moment through His eyes? Close your eyes and pray:

“God, help me embrace the love that costs me something. Help me trust that You are present in both the play and the pain.”

3. The Amen That Matters

Write down three things in your life right now that require your Amen—three things God is asking you to commit to with love and intention.

For each one, ask yourself:

  • Am I saying Amen with my whole heart, or am I holding back?
  • What fears or hesitations make this Amen feel costly?
  • Where do I need grace to fully embrace this call?

Hold your list in your hands as a prayer offering. Whisper a quiet but intentional Amen for each one.

"God, give me the grace to say Amen—not cheaply, not passively, but with my whole heart."


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